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Choose your face

title:Choose your face
download page:No link!
genre:Traditional games
developer:Oriol gaming zone
release:November 2020
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Welcome to choose your face, Oriol Gomez rendition of the popular deal or no deal quiz show game, also featured in Beatstar Pro. The goal of the game is relatively simple. A player is presented with a grid of 25 faces (corresponding to the boxes in the original game). Each face holds a certain amount of gold coins from 0, to 100000. At the start of the game, the player will pick a face which will be their ultimate prize. They will then take turns picking other faces, revealing how much gold they have inside. Occasionally, the bank will call and offer the player a certain amount of money to give up their prize face, an offer the player can either accept or deny. The game continues either until the player has unlocked all 24 faces and wins the amount of money left in their prize face, or has taken an offer from the bank.

This makes the basic gameplay one of greed, calculated risk and a little luck.

Oriol has not only gone out of his way to make the game fun and accessible, with all elements being spoken by voice over, and notifications for the position in the grid of faces spoken, however he's also gone out of his way to make the game fun. Not only is each faces represented by an Imoji, including, baby alarm clock, robot and male and feamel zombies, but also each face comes with it's own sound wen it reveals how many coins are behind it. Combine this with funny recorded quiz show host style comments from Oriol himself during the game, and you have a very quirky atmosphere.

The game costs $1.99 to buy. However, for a quick demonstration before hand check out This gameplay video, and of course like all Ios titles it has This page on applevis

Good luck facing the faces.


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